Partager is a project aiming to create a free-as-in-freedom data access framework based on a semantic model, and interfaces, applications and languages working on top of the framework. For software developers, using it will probably totally change the way data is accessed and processed. For users, it means much more powerful information access and control tools.
Partager’s website contains all the documentation, plans and designs of the project. The source code, including the source of its website, is available as Git repositories.
See below for links and explanation how to get there.
Tell Me More!
Partager is a data and information access framework. It defines a new way for communicating information between humans and machines. This new way is compatible with how humans think and communicate, and at the same time based on a model computers and software can use to pass information to each other. The project also aims to use this system to provide free and open communication and computing tools and resources accessible to everyone.
Instead of organizing information in ways based on data structures – e.g. the file system’s folder hierarchy – it can now be organized by context, meaning, role and relations to other information. Your computer can now understand the difference between books, articles and papers. It can synchronize different versions of files, track various sources of them – local and online – and execute sophisticated queries of information. Access to information is now a separate power your computer gives you, not depending on the specific file manager or music player or album viewer you use.
All sharing of information between computers is done directly, in a safe, private and (if you wish) anonymous manner, with no third parties involved. No information leaks, no abuse, no central authorities.
These concepts have similarities to “semantic desktop” and some features are similar to what existing semantic desktop implementations provide (Tracker, Nepomuk). But Partager takes this field several steps forward, extending the semantic framework to fulfill new roles and handle more kinds of information, including server databases, permissions, software repositories and much more. Rather than managing just user files like music, e-mail, pictures, movies and documents, Partager’s system is made to manage any digital information, and handles all kinds of information uniformly.
Partager consists of a data management and sharing system named Razom, and of applications, interfaces and tools which solve common problems using Razom as an information access backend.
The heart of system’s design is an information description model named Smaoin, which is similar to the popular Resource Description Framework (but not identical and not designed for compatibility). If you know RDF, understanding Smaoin will be very easy. Notable differences are the integrated statement identifiers (which means quads are used instead of triples) and the internationalization system, which also implements the use of namespaces and labels for referring to resources (while the resource identifiers themselves are random meaningless strings). Smaoin is also accompanied by query model and a query language. The model is actively researched and developed, testing and questioning the limits of expressing queries to the computer.
The source code is released under GPLv3+, and all designs and documents are released under CC-BY-SA 4.0, except where noted otherwise.
Partager is a free software project.
So Where is the Website?
As part of re-decentralizing the web, all Partager’s domain names are served by OpenNIC DNS servers, and have OpenNIC domains. This way an open democratic DNS is used, instead of the centrally managed and corporation-owned ICANN domains.
Unfortunataly, most people use the centralized search engine G00gle, and G00gle does not index OpenNIC domains or provide any information about them. So without this page, there would be no way for most people to find out the project exists, or reach its website. That’s why this page exists.
How Do I Get There? Is It Complicated?
It should be easy. The OpenNIC website contains instructions how to make your computer support OpenNIC domains. You’ll be able to browse to all the “regular” websites you know, and in addition the OpenNIC domains. The OpenNIC website is at
There is also a proxy page, so you can browse the Partager website even without OpenNIC:
Okay, I’m Using OpenNIC/Proxy. What’s the Address?
The address is http://www.partager.null
There’s also I2P access: http://partager.i2p
And there’s Tor access: http://75dae7c76okcrloz.onion/